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Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention

Juvenile Crime Prevention Programs

DARE Program

The revamped Drug Abuse Resistance Education program was developed by Pennsylvania State University and Arizona State University to be a comprehensive, science-based curriculum designed to teach children healthy decision-making rather than drug-specific, negative effects. The program now focuses on consequences, healthy relationships, and bullying, among other topics, in a fun, facilitative way.  The Addison Police Department, in collaboration with Addison School District 4, Addison School District 88, and St. Phillip the Apostle School, have been united in this effort since 1992. DARE programs are taught in Grades K through 10. Additional enhancement lessons covering a wide variety of topics are available depending upon individual classroom needs. For more information on DARE, visit their website.

GREAT Program
The Gang Resistance Education, and Training (GREAT) Program focuses on the negative impact and influence that gangs can have on a community. Taught at 4th and 6th grades, this facilitative program uses role-playing and critical thinking to combat gang membership and recruitment.

Addison Police Explorers
Area youths who are interested in a law enforcement career learn about police duties through training, involvement in community programs and ride alongs with police officers. Crime Prevention Officers conduct "First Nighter" events and coordinate the program.

Child Safety Programs
Safety programs taught in the school for Grades K-3.

  1. Stranger Danger Program
  2. Drug Awareness
  3. Street Safety Crossing Programs
  4. Bicycle Safety

Back to School Safety Program
Signs displayed around town near schools advising motorists that schools are open. Public service announcements on Addison cable TV are also included in the program.

Safety Patrol Training
Crime Prevention Officers work with safety patrol coordinators from each elementary school to provide training for each student assigned to safety patrol.

Youth Peer Jury
A program with non-violent offenders that focuses on rehabilitation rather than mere punishment. Real cases are heard by junior high and high school students. As a member of the peer jury, you will be asked to decide appropriate consequences while helping them realize what they did wrong. If interested in applying for Peer Jury or for further information, please contact a Crime Prevention officer at (630) 543-3080.

View more programs at the Hyde Center.